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Identify network vulnerabilities and validate security defenses with our independent expertise and visibility. Enhance your security posture, reduce risk, facilitate compliance and improve operational efficiency..

Many businesses have already run a vulnerability assessment, so they may ask why they need to take the extra step of running Pen Tests. Penetration testing usually occurs after performing a vulnerability assessment. A vulnerability assessment has the same goals as a Pen Test, but generally, a vulnerability assessment only employs automated vulnerability scanners to spot common issues.

It’s true that vulnerability scanning can help by pinpointing security vulnerabilities. Good scans even categorize security risks, assign risk levels, and offer remediation suggestions. While it’s not the same thing as a penetration test, this kind of assessment may be used to help gather the information that will help plan the test.

In contrast, a Network Pen Tester will engage in what’s called ethical hacking. These security professionals will set up tests that behave as if they came from a real digital criminal. By simulating actual attacks, computer, internet, and Network Penetration Testing will uncover exactly how systems respond to an actual cybersecurity threat. The security professionals will also provide clear remediation advice that may apply to software, hardware, or even the human side of managing complex digital systems.





Identifying Network security flaws
Identifying Network security flaws

As technology advances, digital criminals’ methods to exploit weaknesses in an operating system or network also evolve. Some examples of these flaws include social engineering attacks, SQL injection, outdated versions of software, poorly configured firewalls, and malware.

Understanding risk levels
Understanding risk levels

Some security weaknesses could expose sensitive information, which can result in violating compliance requirements, bad press, and of course, the loss of customer trust. On the other hand, exploitable vulnerabilities that merely lead to losing next month’s cafeteria menu may not threaten that much harm to a company. It’s essential to determine the risk levels for various systems to allocate resources accordingly.

Mapping out the organization's overall security posture
Mapping out the organization's overall security posture

Security posture refers to an organization’s overall security status for hardware, software, networks, data, and processes. It includes security controls, security management, and the ability to react and recover to threats. Businesses need to assess and document their security posture before they can hope to improve it. Having a strong security posture can help business leaders make confident decisions and improve their company’s overall trust.

Fixing information security
Fixing information security

Businesses cannot expect to fix information security for sensitive data until they know the problem exists. Once caught, companies can expect suggestions to remediate issues as the final product of the testing process. While these may include technical recommendations, they may also cover business processes or even employee education about resisting phishing, developing strong passwords, etc.